015905888, 015902888, 015902999, 9801138222


For Appointment and Booking :  015905888 / 01-5902888 / 01-5902999 /9801138222. || Exclusive Discounted Health Package ||

  • Package Name: Comprehensive Female Health Package
  • Package Price: 11399
  • Package Title: N/A
  1. CBC
  2. ESR
  3. Fasting Blood Sugar
  4. RFT (Renal Function Test)
  5. LFT (Liver Function Test)
  6. Lipid Profile
  7. Serum TSH
  8. Uric Acid
  9. HPV
  10. ECG
  11. Chest X-Ray
  12. Vitamin D
  13. Serum Calcium
  14. Urine R/ME
  15. Stool R/M/E
  16. USG Breast
  17. USG of Abdomein and Pelvis
  18. Dr. Consultation