Aug 23 2022
Colorectal cancer is one of the most common cancers. Fortunately, there’s a safe and effective way to identify precancerous cells and prevent colorectal cancer: the colonoscopy. Research continues to show the clear impact this screening has on saving lives. One recent study found that, among men and women with an average risk of colorectal cancer, colonoscopies reduced the risk of death from colon or rectal cancer by 67 percent.
Still, despite this evidence, many of us are hesitant to schedule our regular screening. Some of us think of the procedure as uncomfortable or embarrassing, or we may want to avoid the seemingly unpleasant prep to clear our intestines. But the more we know the more we’ll understand the push towards these important screenings. Discover the truth about colonoscopies, and why you should schedule a screening today.
Who Needs a Colonoscopy?
Recommended by the doctors, all adults should begin colorectal screenings at age 50 and continue with screenings through age 75. Based on the findings of your results, you may not need to return for another colonoscopy for 5-10 years.
Colonoscopies are not the only screening option to detect colorectal cancer, but it is the most effective. Your primary care provider will discuss screening options, including which is the best for you.
A colonoscopy allows your doctor to see the entire length of your rectum and colon to look for and remove abnormal growths or polyps. You’ll be asked to prepare for the procedure before it’s scheduled. This preparation includes:
Emptying the bowels by drinking a prescribed laxative and using enemas
Following a liquid-only diet for 24 hours before the procedure
Right before the procedure, you’ll receive sedation to help you relax and go to sleep. Then, your doctor will insert a colonoscope (a flexible, lighted tube with a small video camera on the end) slowly into your rectum and colon. If any polyps or growths are found, your doctor can remove them immediately.
A colonoscopy can identify colorectal cancer before symptoms appear, which improves treatment and outcomes. Common symptoms of colorectal cancer include:
Bloating or feeling full
Change in bowel habits, including
Diarrhea or constipation
Feeling as though bowel does not empty completely
Blood in stool
Stool that is narrower than usual
Feeling very tired all the time
Frequent gas pains or cramps
Nausea or vomiting
Weight loss
It’s important to note that these symptoms may not necessarily be a result of colorectal cancer. Other health problems can produce similar symptoms, which is why it’s important to contact your physician if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms.
The main risk factors for colorectal cancer are uncontrollable. They include heredity, family history, and personal medical history. Other risk factors include:
Other controllable factors
Alcohol consumption
Processed meat consumption
Red meat consumption
Presence of inflammatory bowel disease (i.e., Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, etc.)
Remember, early detection is your best chance for a cure. You should contact your physician if you’re experiencing symptoms or are at risk for colorectal cancer. If your physician feels it’s appropriate, a screening test such as a colonoscopy may be recommended to rule out the possibility of cancer.